Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Journey: Work Series

I learnt today that a group of photographs is called a "series". I wanted to share a series of pictures today touching on various aspects of life at our school Msingi Bora- Kiswahili for Quality Foundation.

Here we have a group photo taken by a section of the staff at Acres of Mercy sometime in June this year. These are the people who make education happen at Msingi Bora. From left to right- Class two teacher , Eunice, Pre School teacher- Celestine, Class Four teacher- Anthony, iServe apprentice- Hilda, Class One teacher- Hellen., Hidden from view is Immaculate as she prepares to give a section of Msingi Bora students some donated clothes
L-R: Teachers Eunice, Celestine, Anthony, Hilda and Hellen
In these next two series we have some of the items donated by friends from iServe Africa and Kileleshwa Community Church in August. They mobilized some gently used clothes and a collection of bible story books, children comics, textbooks for both primary level and secondary level. It is amazing how timely the textbook donations were as one of the students we are supporting through secondary school had a great need for them to enable her catch up with studies. 

Donated text books and children story books 
Donated gently used clothes
We try to make learning at Msingi Bora effective, fun and collaborative. We believe in the benefits of cooperative learning. These series of photos show various learning stances we take at the school and include field trips, group discussions and peer learning. It makes our school one of the best learning environments within our entire zone. Kids just love our school. Take a look.

Students discussing a problem
This here is one of the field trips with the older children. Notice the lush Nguluni landscape. This only happens when it rains. Its beautiful and we want to help students truly enjoy nature studies.
Msingi Bora Students enjoy a field trip

Then we have agri-business learning experience. The tomatoes in the green house in this next picture was jointly done by staff, members of a local group  and a section of class six and class five students. The results look good. We teach students that all hard work bears fruit- much fruit.

Tomato fruits

These young leaders in the picture are engaged in peer learning. This is partner a trio. The pink and yellow cards have words they are learning to read and spell. It looks like they are truly learning. You should hear them lead each other in a reading class. I am sure they can spell and read the word EXCELLENT. Teacher Eunice does a great job with them.

Trio Learning Spelling

And finally the team's group photo taken immediately after our 2012 Annual General meeting held on 27th July. These ladies and gentlemen give of themselves to change our community through their individual investment of time and energy in the lives of the students. We could run out of space talking about all they do. Anthony is teacher in charge of class four, Rhoda is in charge of class five, Hellen is in charge of class one, Celestine is in charge of Pre-School, Immaculate- squatting- is the head teacher and in charge of sports,  as well as class six. Eunice is in charge of class two and our Handwriting Program, Agnes is in charge of class three and our pastoral program instruction, Hilda is the school's counselling psychologist and social worker, Jimmy, behind is the team leader.

L-R: Anthony, Rhoda, Hellen, Celestine, Eunice, Agnes, Hilda
Back: Jimmy; Front Squatting, Immaculate

And so the journey continues...

Their part of the  journey...

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